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Volunteer in Community Wildlife Sanctuary to Assist a Human-Wildlife Conflict Project
Project: Nature and Wildlife Conservancy
Theme: Human & Wildlife Interaction
Length of placement:-Minimum 2 weeks, Maximum 4 Weeks
Accommodation:– Bandas
Preferred languages: English
Volunteer groups: Single, Partners,Groups
Area attractions: Kenyan Wildlife, landscapes and culture
The Community Wildlife Sanctuary is a privately owned wildlife sanctuary in Kenya. It is located in the Mwatate division of Taita-Taveta District in Coast Province, approximately 220km from Mombasa. It covers an area of 125,000 acres. The Community Wildlife Sanctuary is adjacent to Tsavo West National Park and the Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary, and serves as a vital wildlife corridor between Tsavo West and Tsavo East National Parks. It hosts cape buffalo, elephant, leopard, masai lion, masai giraffe, zebra, hartebeast, impala, waterbuck, Thomson’s gazelle, lesser kudu, dik-dik, and other smaller animals, including a great diversity of birdlife.
De- snaring
De-snaring is removing wire snares or traps that poachers set across animal tracks to capture and kill wildlife. The poachers set the wire strategically with the aim of trapping the animal by the neck so as to suffocate it. This is a very cruel method as it is a slow and agonizing death for an animal. For this reason we search for the snares at poacher’s hot spots and remove them.
Bush Patrols
Daily Game drives to the Park with the help of sanctuary rangers volunteers make bush patrols to monitor animals for their safety from poachers. This patrol helps to identify any injured animal or orphan which can easily die for lack of treatment and tender care. Volunteers take record of such incidences and report the case to the Kenya Wildlife Service which is in charge of all the wildlife in Kenya.
Guiding and giving talks to tourists
In the sanctuaries we have two hotels and camp lodge in which tourists spend their holiday while viewing wildlife. Volunteer’s help in guiding the tourist to where animals have been spotted for example the big cats and to make sure the animals are not crowded by the tourists thus interfering with their freedom in their habitat.
Volunteers are also involved in giving talks to tourists on animal behaviors in their habitats and importance of conservation. They will also develop presentations on animal’s interactions during evening times in the hotels.
Research on Human-Wildlife Conflict
The wildlife especially the elephants do cross over to the neighboring community farms and the outcome is massive destruction thus creating hostility towards wildlife.
Volunteers will be involved in researching sustainable solutions on this conflict and developing alternative source of income for the communities.
Community Outreach and Education
Wildlife conservation goes hand in hand with tree planting, for animals depend on trees for their survival. In the sanctuary we have indigenous seedlings to plant in the sanctuary and to give to the communities. For this reason volunteers have special visits to the communities to talk about conservation and to plant trees.
School visits
Volunteers will be involved in education on wildlife and strengthening environmental school clubs on conservation. More ideas are welcomed to run this program effectively.
We are looking for dedicated, mature and motivated volunteers that have a caring attitude towards wildlife and conservation. Volunteers should be of average physical fitness and willing to get their hands dirty.
- no specific qualifications are necessary for this program
minimum age is 18 years - any experience with animal is beneficial
- a genuine interest for nature and wildlife
Getting Here
You will need to fly into Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Kenya. From here you will be transferred to the Nairobi Hotel for your first Night of Accommodation. This will allow you time to relax and get a good night’s sleep after your long flight, before heading out the following morning into the African bush. After Orientation one of our staffs will escort you to board a public bus to a place called Voi where you will meet the Project Vehicle waiting for you
What’s included in the programme
– Transfers to and from Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
– Escorted transfer to the Community Wildlife Sanctuary
– First Night accommodation at a hotel in Nairobi on Bed and Breakfast
– All accommodation during your stay
– All meals during your stay
– Full support and assistance from your co-ordinator throughout your time on your placement
Weeks USD
First 2 weeks USD1,595
3 Weeks USD 2,295
4 Weeks USD 2,995
Included in the Above Program Fee
– Airport Pick up on arrival
– First Night in Nairobi Hotel on Bed and Breakfast
– Orientation visiting Giraffe Centre and David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage
– Transfer to project location
– Your Meals and Accommodation
– Transfer back to Nairobi
– Last Night Nairobi Hotel Accommodation on Bed and Breakfast
– Airport Drop to catch your flight back home
What’s Excluded in the programme
The personal costs you need to meet are: Your flight to and from the country, ETA fees, vaccinations, and travel insurance.
Availability: All The Year Round
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Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program| Volunteer with Wildlife in Kenya| Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program & Tracking |Best Wildlife Conservation Program in Kenya | Wildlife Volunteer Program | Volunteer Abroad| Volunteer in Kenya| Volunteer in Africa| Volunteer with Wildlife